
Why Partner with Us?

  1. Market-Leading Solutions: Our software is unrivaled in its ability to analyze, migrate, archive, and transform Lotus Notes applications. We have invested years of research and development to create a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge products that cater to diverse customer needs.
  2. Expanded Revenue Streams: By partnering with us, you tap into a lucrative market opportunity. As the demand for modernizing Lotus Notes applications surges, you gain access to a vast customer base seeking innovative solutions. This translates into increased sales and revenue for your business.
  3. Expertise and Support: We provide extensive training and support to ensure you have the knowledge and confidence to successfully utilize and resell our software. Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting you throughout your partnership journey, from onboarding to ongoing technical assistance.
  4. Competitive Advantage: As a partner, you gain an edge over competitors by offering your customers a comprehensive suite of Lotus Notes transformation solutions. This positions you as a trusted advisor, capable of meeting the evolving needs of businesses in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

Partner Benefits:

  1. Generous Margins: We offer attractive margins on our software products, ensuring you maximize your profitability while delivering exceptional value to your customers.
  2. Marketing Support: Benefit from our comprehensive marketing resources, including co-branded collateral, campaigns, and lead generation assistance. Leverage our expertise to reach and engage your target audience effectively.
  3. Sales Enablement: Access a wealth of sales tools and resources, including product demos, presentations, and competitive analysis, empowering you to effectively position and sell our software solutions.
  4. Training and Certification: Gain access to our partner-exclusive training programs and certifications, allowing you to enhance your expertise and credibility in the market.

Take the Next Step: Join Us as a Partner!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting partnership that opens new doors of opportunity for your business?
Join forces with Adopteq and offer your customers unmatched Lotus Notes transformation solutions.

To get started, simply fill out the partner application form on our website or contact our dedicated partnership team at
Let’s revolutionize the way businesses Transform their Lotus Notes applications and pave the way for a more agile and innovative future together.

Partner with Adopteq today and be at the forefront of Lotus Notes transformation!

Adopteq Partners